Career Goals Paper

Due: October 2
This paper has three parts, entitled “dreams,” “intentions,” and “actions.”  Each part should take up a long paragraph; the final paper should be no more than 3 pages long. 

Part One:  Dream” big - think out five years, or ten.  Where do you want to be? What draws you there? What do you want to be doing? What is the best possible scenario?

Part Two: Set your “intentions” closer to the present.  Where would you like to live next year, and what do you consider an “entry level” job for your interests? What challenges do you think you might face and what strategies for overcoming them might you already have thought about? What questions do you have? Really the slate is open to “think aloud” about the next bend in the road.  Different students will have differing financial needs and face different challenges for varieties of reasons, and sensitivity is required of all of us. We will all read everyone’s papers and we will aim to make the room a  safe environment to discuss differences in paths without anyone feeling embarrassed, guilty, timid or defensive about the real challenges ahead for all.   

Part Three: Describe the "actions" that you will take this semester to get you on your way. 

This paper will help guide you through the rest of the class assignments, but it is not a contract.  Students are encouraged to reflect on, change, and develop their career goals throughout the semester, as they will throughout their lives.

In fact, we will try to revisit the Career Goals paper periodically to report on the “actions taken” section and any changes that may have happened in your thoughts about the future.